Archives for 2013

What makes you a confident writer? Part 3

In part one I explored what makes people confident, revealing their capacity to produce results and self-esteem are two vital elements. In part two, I added by including the well-known fact that sometimes the perception of ourselves has a significant impact on how people perceive us. I also included how to recognise what stops a […]

Artist Interview: How does the artist SEE your face?

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing the very talented Joanne Brooker from The Brooker Studio. I was also lucky enough to have her create a caricature of me. From the little devils in my curly hair to the shape of my nose and chin, Joanne’s understanding of how we see faces provided me […]

What makes you a confident writer? Part 2

Has anyone ever said to you or someone you know “We have every confidence in you.” Have you ever wondered why people say that? Well, it’s a well-known fact that sometimes the perception of ourselves has a significant impact on how people perceive us. The more confident you are perceived the more sure people will […]

What makes you a confident writer? Part 1

Some writers I know are quietly confident while others have a charismatic confidence. What makes them confident? Well, the answer is they have great efficacy (capacity to produce results) and a healthy amount of self-esteem. Confidence is not just about thinking positive and using affirmations. All confidence needs a good foundation which includes setting achievable […]

Are you influential?

 Influencing others is something we all think about, but don’t always aim for each day.  As a person who has experienced a range of life challenges I know for certain that creating a positive influence is one of the most rewarding things a person can do in their life. Remember: You don’t have to be […]

Lights, camera, action! Starchild: The Age of Akra

It’s the time when a book slips out of the author’s hands and stands alone in the light. The author is nervous but excited for the big reveal. An anxious wait draws out the whole process as an author waits for the first review to be posted. This month it was my time to experience […]