I’ve had a challenging but fabulous year! I’m very grateful to have experienced small personal progress artistically becoming a quaterfianlist in the Big Break Screenwriting Contest for my pilot script.

In 2019 I accomplished another goal by finishing my Bachelor of Social Welfare. It was challenging to keep working full-time and studying at the same time, while trying to conitnue to write fiction. But with a good dose of willpower and dedication I made it through.

I was also fortunate enough to have a panel submission accepted to explore resilence. I thoroughly enjoyed organising and facilitating a panel of artists for artists and those in the wider community at OZ Comic Con. We explored the subject of creative resilence for artists and hopefully helped them to strengthen their own resilence.

To finish the year I completed two drafts of two new novels, and I look forward to completing these novels next year.
Lastly, I received some wonderful reviews for my fantasy series. I couldn’t ask for a better end to the year!

HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported me in some way this year. I appreciate all of you. I am truly grateful.
So until next time… “Be brave and bold in your chosen field of creativity. And never be afraid to explore new techniques”
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