Old Year Vs New Year.

I can’t count how many people have asked me if I have any “New Year Resolutions” and what are they. Well, I’m not a fan of resolutions. I take each day as it comes and adjust accordingly. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel pressured or stressed sometimes, but it does mean I allow myself to be in the moment, feel the emotion, and then work through things to bring about a solution. Resolutions can work for some people and not for others. If you do like to have resolutions don’t make them too hard to achieve… best to keep them achievable and not unreachable.

 Frankly I believe… “If you are respectful by habit, constantly honouring the worthy, four things increase: long life, beauty, happiness and strength” ~ I believe Buddha said that. 🙂

 Like I’ve said many times I take each day as it comes and adjust accordingly. So here’s my well-adjusted thought for the ending of the 2012.

 New Years Eve Reflection: Take a moment. I invite you to pause.

Think about your most significant life influence for 2012. Now what were the experiences for 2012 that are most responsible for who you are right at this moment?  Some people like to write them down and give these experiences a title to the year. Don’t feel you have to share these thoughts. It’s a moment in time for you to reflect on the year that is now passing.  Now allow yourself to move into  2013 knowing who you are right now.  And don’t be afraid to list the ordinary things… sometimes they are more meaningful.

 If you see a need for change then I invite you to take steps towards those changes.

I wish you all growth for the coming year. Learn or do new things, wish for nothing, but work towards everything you desire. Find your motivation to achieve and prosper. And like I suggest at the end of every blog post I write.

 Until then, be brave and bold in your chosen field of creativity. And never be afraid to explore new techniques.