Brisbane Hosts OZ Comic-Con

On the weekend I attended OZ Comic-Con. It was the first OZ Comic-Con held in Brisbane. While I’ve attended many conventions over the years it was nice to attend the first Comic-Con in the beautiful city of Brisbane. The other bonus, I had been selected as a volunteer for the event. Everyone knows  my belief […]

Climbing the Mountain

It’s important to have challenges in your life. It’s even better if you get to choose your challenge and work towards achieving your goals with focus and motivation. There is something liberating and yet opposing about these three words. “Choose your challenge” Do you choose the easy way or the more challenging way? Ultimately, it’s […]

Reflections about Writing

A few months ago I was asked to write a series of reflections about writing for an author blog interview. Funnily enough, I didn’t use the following reflections because I decided to think about them a little more deeply.  You might say to digest their meaning. The words were important enough to write so maybe […]

Roll up, roll up, the festival is in town!

Sunday wrapped up the last day of the Gold Coast Writers Festival. It was a huge week filled with lots of wonderful creative talents, great information, inspirational thinking and the odd “out of the box” experience. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was lucky enough to participate in the Write it Write NOW program, a […]

Bodybuilding…New World, New Words, New Experience.

As writers we have to acknowledge that our writing journey will require a certain amount of commitment, determination and focus. Yes, knowledge in the craft of writing is also important, but we should remain aware that learning is always and forever present in our lives. We should never stop the act of acquiring new knowledge […]

Neon Run Fun!

This month I participated in my first Neon Run. It’s a 5km night-time run through four different neon zones. Rock, Disco, Pop and House being the unique zones incorporating music, laser lights, DJs and dancers. Participants can choose their level of pace either to walk, jog or run. Entrants can also outfit themselves in a […]