Miscommunication, Misunderstanding or Misinterpretation?

Lately I’ve had a lot of people telling me about their experiences on Facebook, Twitter and on their blogs. People unfollowing, sending or posting insulting or aggressive messages or comments. When I listen to people tell me about their experiences, most of the time, after they talk me through the events leading up to the […]

In the Beginning

I’ve heard the following statement said many, many times before. “Beginner writers have to be willing to put their work out into the world. Otherwise they are not really serious about pursuing a career as an author.”  I agree with what’s being said here. Every book you write you will grow and learn from the […]

An Australian Story?

I wasn’t sure I would ever write an Australian story. Okay, I’m Australian born and I love my country. But these facts didn’t necessarily mean I would get to write a story set in my country. Why? Well, I’ve always stated that I don’t think up stories they present themselves to me and I do […]

Creative: Do’s & Don’ts

There’s a lot to be said about the value of Do’s (or Dos)  and Don’ts in anything, writing, painting, sculpture, in fact in any of the creative arts. Opinions vary and ideas come and go with the changing motivations behind self-expression and self-reliance. Every author at some time or another will come across a list […]

How can Zombies make you more creative? #OnlyPossibilities

Writing, blogging, vlogging, social media is about building community, giving, attracting like-minded people, creating something memorable, building lists and sometimes it’s about making money. I like the idea of passing on knowledge and giving people something to think about.  I decided to explore the idea of “if there are no fixed answers to the problem, […]

Are You Experiencing Creative Growth?

I may not paint as artistically as some of the artists I know, but that doesn’t stop me from painting, which means I continue to grow creatively every time I paint. I’ve never been threatened by the brilliance of others because I adore the creative arts. I respect and admire individual creativity, including my own. […]