Every individual who writes poetry has their reason for writing and the motivation behind each poem. For some writers, it’s simply a pleasure to craft words into perfect positions. For other writers, there might be ethical or social issues for crafting a poem. Writers might also like the creative aspects of poetry. It might be the challenge of writing something succinct but meaningful that encourages the writer to create poems.
Each poem that I write has a meaning, and usually it has a social welfare meaning. In the broader context some might say a meaning of well-being. But in a more narrow view is could be about individual well-being, social well-being and community well-being. I like to explore individual development, personal meaning and self-reflection.
Abstract Poem

Abstract poetry
Anything abstract often exists in thought or having no particular concrete existence or reality. However, when abstraction is used in art it will not attempt to duplicate reality but rather seeks to achieve its abstract with shapes, texture, tone, atmosphere or colours.
In poetry, in my opinion, abstraction is not about meaning but commanding impact. This works best for me when the subject itself is also abstract. Yes, it’s more difficult to construct because when a poet has something intangible yet beautiful it’s often easier to use a subject that is real, touchable, exciting and turn it into an

This is a poem about an individual lived experience of adoption. The lived experience is a powerful position to write any creative form of work. And while this poem wasn’t my individual experience it was written for a friend of mine who talked about her family journey. She loved her adoptive family but occasionally when she would look at the family photos she would feel completely different visually. This didn’t mean she was unhappy. On the contrary, she was very happy with her life and her adoptive family. There were just those days when she looked at the photos and viewed the visual difference as a type of physical distance.
You can read the entire poem in the portraits call for Art Ascent’s art and literature journal available here.

The poem above is about the individual lived experience of growing into adolescence. We’ve all heard about the phases of life, right? Birth to second teething. Second teething to adolescence. Adolescence to adulthood. There are many variations of the phases of life. This poem is about birth and then the development of becoming an individual who is willing to explore who they are and find their individual voice in the world.
You can read the entire poem in the youth call for Art Ascent’s art and literature journal available here

The Delusion of Beauty highlights this…
Society and social media are known for its unpleasant critiques of women and men and their bodies. The standards of beauty today seem incredibly high; some might say unrealistic. Constant media ads paint women and men as perfect, with glamorized looks and magazine smiles. Flawless has become the new facade of today’s living. This unrealistic view promotes a negative mentality towards women and men of all ages, giving rise to individuals becoming unsatisfied with their appearance. The growth of negative self-talk has become an increasing problem with people today. There lies the delusion around the idea and assumptions of beauty.
Certainly not one of my more cheerful poems, however, truthful for many I suspect.
When people read this, I hope they connect with their self-realisation when they look in the mirror. The word delusion is prompting them to question their thoughts. Some may recognise this exact behaviour. Some will know the societal illusion that places people into this cycle of negative self-talk.
So until next time… “Be brave and bold in your chosen field of creativity. And never be afraid to explore new techniques”
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