MOVIE REVIEW: Joker This film was surrounded in controversy right from the beginning with warnings about how dark and triggering it might be for viewers. For a moment I am going to be a realist, controversy drives intrigue, intrigue drives tickets sales, tickets sales drives opinions, and round the loop, we go. After viewing the […]
The Business of Christmas #strategies #compassion #selfhelp

Will this Christmas be a good one? This might depend on what you are expecting, a BMW or a calm family get-together. I often talk about expectations and motivation behind the quality of what we do in our life. I will remind you again of this. We are the masters of our lives. We get […]
Life works out for us #perception #selfefficacy #selfexploration #selfbelief

Does it? Really? Well, maybe not the way we expect or demand at certain times in our lives. However, we can look back and say the ‘not so good’ things that happened to us prompted reflection and learning. Perhaps our disappointments encouraged us to reach for a new way to do something, to search for […]
5 Frequently Asked Questions, I’ve Been Asked, About Writing. #writerschat

Should I edit as I go? I’m not sure what the percentages are but I can assure you it would be different for everyone. Should or shouldn’t you edit as you go? Personally, I do a little of both. My main approach is to get the story down on paper. However, each day I do […]
Another year goes by! 2018 will be great. #GreatBeginnings #PositiveThoughts

I’ve had a great year! I’m very grateful to have experienced small personal progress artistically with my first play performed as a play reading with actors under the professional guidance of a director, then I had another poem published in an art and literature journal and I was lucky to see one of my microfiction […]
Women who dare to be bold and brave #International #WomensDay #CreativeLife

Once we would find storytellers sitting under a tree with pen and paper, digging through the story scrabble of consequences, conflicts and conquests. Most of those storytellers were men back in those old-timer days. It’s true to say that some of my most beloved stories were written by men and some of my favourite poetry […]
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