I don’t know where to begin when I have come to an end. The beginning was back in 2013 when the first book was published. But was that truly the beginning or more the middle when writing a book? The first sentence of the first book starts with, “Under the ground in the land of […]
The End of a Series. Celebration and Sadness.
Life works out for us #perception #selfefficacy #selfexploration #selfbelief

Does it? Really? Well, maybe not the way we expect or demand at certain times in our lives. However, we can look back and say the ‘not so good’ things that happened to us prompted reflection and learning. Perhaps our disappointments encouraged us to reach for a new way to do something, to search for […]
Let’s reflect: On health and Indigenous Australian Peoples. #healthcareindustry

After reading, Educate yourself, then educate others: WAR, Invasion Day and treaty by Massimo Amerena, a powerful article indeed, I would like to add, yes educate yourself, but also engage in healthy self-reflection of your own attitudes and behaviours. Reflection can be very a powerful tool in identifying a person’s attitude, beliefs and biases. In […]
It’s a sunshiny day. The truth about being grateful. #healthchat

I know a lot of you have been waiting to see how things have been progressing since my DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) breast diagnosis. I allowed myself the privacy to be in the lived experience from diagnosis to final results after surgery without talking about it online. This was my self-care formula and as […]
When Cancer Comes Knocking Writers Write. #DepthofMeaning

I wasn’t sure how to begin this. With most stories, we writers often agonise over our first sentence. The events that lead… When I first heard… My heart was heavy… Well, here we go. Yesterday the word cancer was not rooted in my world quite as deeply as it is today. Because yesterday I didn’t […]
Creative chat: How do we deal with rejection and disappointment?

I’d like to provide some clarity on success and failure. I’ve received my first rejection for the year. See, I do receive rejections too! REJECTED I think it’s important that writers, creatives and artists view these situations as steps forward and not back. Myself, having studied counselling, community services and now social welfare, working both […]
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