I’ve had a great year! I’m very grateful to have experienced small personal progress artistically with my first play performed as a play reading with actors under the professional guidance of a director, then I had another poem published in an art and literature journal and I was lucky to see one of my microfiction […]
Another year goes by! 2018 will be great. #GreatBeginnings #PositiveThoughts
Understanding Abstract Poetry. #Writing #Rhythms

So you want to write an abstract poem? Well, I was lucky enough to have a poem selected and published in an art and literature journal this month. The theme was abstract. The art and literature journal was ArtAscent. Let’s begin with understanding abstraction. Anything abstract often exists in thought or having no particular concrete […]
Artistic Exploration #Aging the way we should or should not #HereAndNow

The famous Japanese painter Hokusai said that everything he did before he was 73 was quite worthless and that it was only after then, he had embarked on his true artistic career. Instincts or innate impulses. innate meaning – existing in you from birth. (e.g. innate musical talent) impulse – influence a particular feeling or […]
Trust in the crazy moments #BeingAFearlessCreative #TheAbstract

Creating something that the viewer understands can be even more powerful in the abstract form. But it’s no easy task. The elegant balance of creating something that viewers will be intrigued by but also understand is the challenge. However, I’m a great believer on not planning everything in a creative concept. And the reason is? […]
The Words Pour Out Across Space and Time #Poetry #Poems

The harrowing task of writing a poem used to be just that, harrowing. Mostly because I didn’t want to take risks. I was always trying to understand the work of great poets. Usually, that’s what we do as writers, we examine other work to understand how to write well. With that academic knowledge comes great […]
What is creativity? #WritingWithColour #Children

Someone once said to me, “Anyone can tell stories.” And that’s true. I’ve spoken at many schools about each of us being storytellers in some form. When I conduct workshops for children giving them the task of creating a character and then developing a story they always rise to the challenge. I am continuously astounded […]
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