Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Maria Lewis. Maria is an exciting writing talent with her debut novel, Who’s Afraid? being released today! Happy birth book day! 1. I bet you’re excited about the release of your novel, right? Most of my readers will know a little about your background from reading last week’s […]
Werewolves and Maria Lewis. Who’s Afraid? #OnWriting
Emerging playwright? What I have learned. #Feedback

This year I decided to write my first one-act play. I had no prior experience in writing a play for the stage. To be honest, I had to Google what a “one-act” play was all about. I had written several feature films and had my first short film script accepted into a international film festival, […]
What I Owe The World #OnWriting

The world owes me nothing but I owe the world my best work. #amwriting I’ve spent the last year writing numerous projects. Several short film scripts and a collaborative effort with another author on a feature film script, all of which have been submitted into different festivals. I wrote my first one-act play this year. […]
Swelling with #Sculptures on the Beach

The art of creating two or three-dimensional abstract forms is no easy task. Whether the artist is working with wood, stone, metal or plaster it usually always requires a purpose and a subject, not to mention, a lot of hard work. Of course sculpture today has freedom to be constructed from any material the artist […]
Songs and Sounds from the Starchild Series.

Sharing today… I decided to share a few very amateurish (I’m no songstress that’s for sure) recordings by me. These were recorded while I was writing book one, two and three. I tend to record something as I go because this is the purest of creative time for me. It’s when I am part of […]
10 Questions a #Blogger Asked Me About Writing. #Author

1. Why do you write? I wrote a small series of quotes last year after I was asked to write a few reflections about writing to accompany and article about my work. I ended up writing a few quotes about my ideas on the purpose of stories. I discovered one quote was the main reason […]
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