I’ve had a great year! I’m very grateful to have experienced small personal progress artistically with my first play performed as a play reading with actors under the professional guidance of a director, then I had another poem published in an art and literature journal and I was lucky to see one of my microfiction […]
Another year goes by! 2018 will be great. #GreatBeginnings #PositiveThoughts
December 29, 2017 by Vacen
Filed Under: Blog, On Writing, Poems, Short Stories and Flash Fiction Tagged With: artists, Australian authors, Australian Books, Australian Story, Australian writers, books, community, conventions, Courage, determination, everyday life, experience, intelligence, international writers, mental health, networking, Poems, Poetry, storytelling, strength, wellbeing, Wisdom, Writers
Building #Networks and friendships with Interviews and conversations. #Community
March 13, 2015 by Vacen

We, the human community, are now living in a transitional world. Models of distribution and creative mediums are changing. Reaching out to one another is a wonderful way to help stay connected to the “here and now” of this changing environment and help our community to grow. Interviews with people and sharing our own ideas […]
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: Australian authors, Australian Books, Australian Story, Australian writers, community, connection, conventions, creativity, growth, international writers, Wisdom
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