Connect adventurously…Yesterday my daughter, her partner and I hiked the Illinbah Circuit. It’s a 16.6 km hike in the Lamington National Park. It has a recommended walk time of 8 hours. The track’s classification is a class 5 hike. A class five is categorised like this: Steep track with irregular surface and loose stones […]
Connect adventurously #Hiking in the Lamington National Park #Australia
What is creativity? #WritingWithColour #Children

Someone once said to me, “Anyone can tell stories.” And that’s true. I’ve spoken at many schools about each of us being storytellers in some form. When I conduct workshops for children giving them the task of creating a character and then developing a story they always rise to the challenge. I am continuously astounded […]
Werewolves and Maria Lewis. Who’s Afraid? #OnWriting

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Maria Lewis. Maria is an exciting writing talent with her debut novel, Who’s Afraid? being released today! Happy birth book day! 1. I bet you’re excited about the release of your novel, right? Most of my readers will know a little about your background from reading last week’s […]
Life is a journey, not a destination. #AMeaningfulLife

Life is a journey, not a destination. Our flow must contract before it can expand. And the contraction is equally important to the expansion. (I have to give credit to Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius for that.) The past is not worth reliving over and over. While we all have great joys […]
5 Things To Help with #Focus and Your #Centered Self. #Life #LivingBeyondTheCurve

Life will always throw you a curve ball. That curve ball does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone at any time. The trick is not to become discouraged when it happens. I’m not saying don’t allow yourself to feel upset, confused or whatever emotion you need to feel. It’s important to express your emotions. […]
The courage of a #creative artist. #Author

Reading a review on your own work can be a confronting experience depending on whether it is good, bad or indifferent. A critical review that degrades your work can sometimes feel like bullying in the sense that it makes you feel really bad. How each artist deals with a critical review will depend on the […]
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