I don’t know where to begin when I have come to an end. The beginning was back in 2013 when the first book was published. But was that truly the beginning or more the middle when writing a book? The first sentence of the first book starts with, “Under the ground in the land of […]
The End of a Series. Celebration and Sadness.
What I have learned about writing #improvement #growth

My first book was published in 2013. That seems a long time ago now but for writing that’s not very long at all. If you add the time before that publication, there were a few blooper manuscripts. If you were to ask me how long I have been writing, I would have to say about […]
5 Frequently Asked Questions, I’ve Been Asked, About Writing. #writerschat

Should I edit as I go? I’m not sure what the percentages are but I can assure you it would be different for everyone. Should or shouldn’t you edit as you go? Personally, I do a little of both. My main approach is to get the story down on paper. However, each day I do […]
Songs and Sounds from the Starchild Series.

Sharing today… I decided to share a few very amateurish (I’m no songstress that’s for sure) recordings by me. These were recorded while I was writing book one, two and three. I tend to record something as I go because this is the purest of creative time for me. It’s when I am part of […]
How to Avoid the Rejection Blues. #AmWriting #Authors

I wrote this piece for a guest blog, however, I thought it would be beneficial to also share it on my blog today. I do think it’s important that writers understand how to cope with rejection. The mental health of writers is important to me, as is, the mental health and well-being of all the […]
Promotional: Starchild Book Three: The Healing Stone OUT NOW! #Fantasy #Showcase

Proud to announce the release of Starchild Book Three: The Healing Stone. But first, some important acknowledgments and the dedication. The dedication is particularly special as, Jeannie, a wonderful friend of mine was undergoing her own healing at the time of this book’s release. If a book was ever destined to be dedicated to […]
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