Panels are extraordinary opportunities to explore ideas with people who are currently working in the industry. It’s particularly compelling when group panels at conventions of this kind are presented and include panel members who are involved in various types of professions in the industry. The panels I like to create, tend to add another artist […]
The Happiness Panel @OZComic-Con #creative #happiness
Werewolves and Maria Lewis. Who’s Afraid? #OnWriting

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Maria Lewis. Maria is an exciting writing talent with her debut novel, Who’s Afraid? being released today! Happy birth book day! 1. I bet you’re excited about the release of your novel, right? Most of my readers will know a little about your background from reading last week’s […]
Songs and Sounds from the Starchild Series.

Sharing today… I decided to share a few very amateurish (I’m no songstress that’s for sure) recordings by me. These were recorded while I was writing book one, two and three. I tend to record something as I go because this is the purest of creative time for me. It’s when I am part of […]
Supanova Melbourne #popculture Odyssey Books and Authors

When the doors opened the murmur of low, indistinct voices filled the venue. People tracked slowly through the walkways. There were those who were curious, the first-timers. Those who were searching for “their place” amongst the continually changing and expanding parts in the vast array of universes we know exist in pop culture. Then there […]
Brisbane Hosts OZ Comic-Con

On the weekend I attended OZ Comic-Con. It was the first OZ Comic-Con held in Brisbane. While I’ve attended many conventions over the years it was nice to attend the first Comic-Con in the beautiful city of Brisbane. The other bonus, I had been selected as a volunteer for the event. Everyone knows my belief […]
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