The #Metoo movement is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault. The movement went viral in late 2017. The hashtag exploded onto the scene on social media. This attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment was an important step forward for both women and men. I found myself in a […]
If you really knew me you’d know. #metoo #inspirational #survivor
December 6, 2018 by Vacen
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: #creative #Healthcare, #HealthyLearning, #writers #authors, artistswellbeing, creative arts, health, health wellbeing, healthystrategies, InnovationalThinking, Inspirational, mental health, metoo, personalstory, storytelling, wellbeing, wordsmith
School Visits #BookWeek 2015 Presenting Workshops
August 25, 2015 by Vacen

This week is “Book Week” in Australia and it’s an important week for Australian authors. It goes without saying that the other weeks in the year are important too. However, it’s this week that really excites authors because we get to visit lots of schools. Yesterday I was lucky enough to visit Silkwood School. Silkwood […]
Filed Under: Blog, Books, Children's Books Tagged With: Australian authors, Australian Books, Australian Story, Australian writers, Book Week, Characters, ChildrensWorkshops, Creating, everyday life, experience, InnovationalThinking, Presenter, storytelling, Workshops, Writers, Writing Programs
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