I have attempted to write poetry for years and years. And I do mean attempted. I’ve failed at many of those attempts. To be truthful I’ve never felt like I really succeeded at writing a great poem. Yet I continue to try. Some have been good, some readable and some deleted in frustration after hours […]
Why Not Try #Poetry… If You Dare
10 Questions a #Blogger Asked Me About Writing. #Author

1. Why do you write? I wrote a small series of quotes last year after I was asked to write a few reflections about writing to accompany and article about my work. I ended up writing a few quotes about my ideas on the purpose of stories. I discovered one quote was the main reason […]
Awesome Interview With a #BookReviewer #MyCrazyReadingObsession

Today I’m lucky enough to be interviewing an awesome young woman who also happens to be a book reviewer. Angelina, thank you for allowing me to interview you today. 1) Firstly, tell my readers a little about yourself and why you like to review books. My name is Angelina and I run the book blog […]
Inside the Mind of the #Author

I can’t speak for any other authors but my mind is a very busy place. Ideas are zooming around everywhere and there doesn’t appear to be any traffic lights because ideas collide all the time! Where do I begin on this topic? Firstly, how do you get inside the mind of an author? Well, I […]
How to Avoid the Rejection Blues. #AmWriting #Authors

I wrote this piece for a guest blog, however, I thought it would be beneficial to also share it on my blog today. I do think it’s important that writers understand how to cope with rejection. The mental health of writers is important to me, as is, the mental health and well-being of all the […]
The courage of a #creative artist. #Author

Reading a review on your own work can be a confronting experience depending on whether it is good, bad or indifferent. A critical review that degrades your work can sometimes feel like bullying in the sense that it makes you feel really bad. How each artist deals with a critical review will depend on the […]
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