Proud to announce the release of Starchild Book Three: The Healing Stone. But first, some important acknowledgments and the dedication. The dedication is particularly special as, Jeannie, a wonderful friend of mine was undergoing her own healing at the time of this book’s release. If a book was ever destined to be dedicated to […]
Promotional: Starchild Book Three: The Healing Stone OUT NOW! #Fantasy #Showcase
Building #Networks and friendships with Interviews and conversations. #Community

We, the human community, are now living in a transitional world. Models of distribution and creative mediums are changing. Reaching out to one another is a wonderful way to help stay connected to the “here and now” of this changing environment and help our community to grow. Interviews with people and sharing our own ideas […]
The #Outback – A Country Life at Myella

The white line on the bitumen road disappears as I drive the car onto a red dirt road. Out of the car window, a huge white letterbox in the shape of a horse sits waiting for all the arriving guests to pass. As the car edges closer to the homestead I can’t help but scan […]

I would just like to thank everyone who has visited my website. To those of you who have commented and those of you who have preferred to contact me. I’ve always believed in not following what works but striving to build my own style. If people like it, they like it, but if they don’t […]
Why different artists, different lives, different stories are important? #Diversity

Are you different from the other members of your family? What about your neighbours in your community? Do you understand your differences and what are the impacts of those differences? The art of being different actually comes naturally for many people, but as we grow we’re pulled into the world where we sacrifice some of […]
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