So you want to write an abstract poem? Well, I was lucky enough to have a poem selected and published in an art and literature journal this month. The theme was abstract. The art and literature journal was ArtAscent. Let’s begin with understanding abstraction. Anything abstract often exists in thought or having no particular concrete […]
Understanding Abstract Poetry. #Writing #Rhythms
Women who dare to be bold and brave #International #WomensDay #CreativeLife

Once we would find storytellers sitting under a tree with pen and paper, digging through the story scrabble of consequences, conflicts and conquests. Most of those storytellers were men back in those old-timer days. It’s true to say that some of my most beloved stories were written by men and some of my favourite poetry […]
Creatives and their wellbeing #initiative #health

It was fantastic to read about this new initiative for the arts sector this week. I’ve known for a long time people working in the entertainment industry experience anxiety, depression and substance abuse in higher numbers than other industry groups in the general population. Suicide rates are high in this sector also. So indeed there […]
The Nature of Things. #Writing #NaturePhotoChallenge

Recently I participated in a nature challenge on Facebook. I was nominated by a beautiful friend who lives in America. The challenge was to post one original nature photo each day for 7 days and nominate another photographer each day to also participate. All photos were taken by me. Some on the iPhone and some […]
What is creativity? #WritingWithColour #Children

Someone once said to me, “Anyone can tell stories.” And that’s true. I’ve spoken at many schools about each of us being storytellers in some form. When I conduct workshops for children giving them the task of creating a character and then developing a story they always rise to the challenge. I am continuously astounded […]
5 Things To Help with #Focus and Your #Centered Self. #Life #LivingBeyondTheCurve

Life will always throw you a curve ball. That curve ball does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone at any time. The trick is not to become discouraged when it happens. I’m not saying don’t allow yourself to feel upset, confused or whatever emotion you need to feel. It’s important to express your emotions. […]
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