I don’t know where to begin when I have come to an end. The beginning was back in 2013 when the first book was published. But was that truly the beginning or more the middle when writing a book? The first sentence of the first book starts with, “Under the ground in the land of […]
The End of a Series. Celebration and Sadness.
December 9, 2022 by VTadmin
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: #books, Australian authors, Australian Books, Australian Story, Australian writers, books, Fantasy, Middle grade
Promotional: Starchild Book Three: The Healing Stone OUT NOW! #Fantasy #Showcase
April 24, 2015 by Vacen

Proud to announce the release of Starchild Book Three: The Healing Stone. But first, some important acknowledgments and the dedication. The dedication is particularly special as, Jeannie, a wonderful friend of mine was undergoing her own healing at the time of this book’s release. If a book was ever destined to be dedicated to […]
Filed Under: Blog, Children's Books Tagged With: adventure, Australian authors, Australian Books, Australian writers, Beasts and Bravery, books, Fantasy, international writers, Middle grade, storytelling, Tweens
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