The harrowing task of writing a poem used to be just that, harrowing. Mostly because I didn’t want to take risks. I was always trying to understand the work of great poets. Usually, that’s what we do as writers, we examine other work to understand how to write well. With that academic knowledge comes great […]
The Words Pour Out Across Space and Time #Poetry #Poems
The Nature of Things. #Writing #NaturePhotoChallenge

Recently I participated in a nature challenge on Facebook. I was nominated by a beautiful friend who lives in America. The challenge was to post one original nature photo each day for 7 days and nominate another photographer each day to also participate. All photos were taken by me. Some on the iPhone and some […]
What I Owe The World #OnWriting

The world owes me nothing but I owe the world my best work. #amwriting I’ve spent the last year writing numerous projects. Several short film scripts and a collaborative effort with another author on a feature film script, all of which have been submitted into different festivals. I wrote my first one-act play this year. […]
Why Not Try #Poetry… If You Dare

I have attempted to write poetry for years and years. And I do mean attempted. I’ve failed at many of those attempts. To be truthful I’ve never felt like I really succeeded at writing a great poem. Yet I continue to try. Some have been good, some readable and some deleted in frustration after hours […]
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