Fading is a YA romance novel with a paranormal twist. It was a great pleasure to read this book and find a delightful romance with a splash of mystery. The story begins in the junior year of high school, hanging out and daydreaming in Woodvine. Leath Elliott is 17 and facing a new year at […]
Book Review – Fading by Cindy Cipriano #review #readingcommunity #writingcommunity
January 18, 2019 by Vacen
Filed Under: Blog, Book Reviews Tagged With: #books, #readersreviews, #womenwhowrite, #writers #authors, #writerscommunity, book, paranormal, readers, readerscommunity, Romance, writing community
What I Owe The World #OnWriting
November 9, 2015 by Vacen

The world owes me nothing but I owe the world my best work. #amwriting I’ve spent the last year writing numerous projects. Several short film scripts and a collaborative effort with another author on a feature film script, all of which have been submitted into different festivals. I wrote my first one-act play this year. […]
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: Australian authors, Australian Books, Australian writers, books, determination, everyday life, experience, Focus, international writers, Poems, Poetry, Romance, Romantic Thriller, storytelling, wellbeing, Wisdom, Writers
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