The world owes me nothing but I owe the world my best work. #amwriting I’ve spent the last year writing numerous projects. Several short film scripts and a collaborative effort with another author on a feature film script, all of which have been submitted into different festivals. I wrote my first one-act play this year. […]
What I Owe The World #OnWriting
Swelling with #Sculptures on the Beach

The art of creating two or three-dimensional abstract forms is no easy task. Whether the artist is working with wood, stone, metal or plaster it usually always requires a purpose and a subject, not to mention, a lot of hard work. Of course sculpture today has freedom to be constructed from any material the artist […]
Songs and Sounds from the Starchild Series.

Sharing today… I decided to share a few very amateurish (I’m no songstress that’s for sure) recordings by me. These were recorded while I was writing book one, two and three. I tend to record something as I go because this is the purest of creative time for me. It’s when I am part of […]
School Visits #BookWeek 2015 Presenting Workshops

This week is “Book Week” in Australia and it’s an important week for Australian authors. It goes without saying that the other weeks in the year are important too. However, it’s this week that really excites authors because we get to visit lots of schools. Yesterday I was lucky enough to visit Silkwood School. Silkwood […]
10 Questions a #Blogger Asked Me About Writing. #Author

1. Why do you write? I wrote a small series of quotes last year after I was asked to write a few reflections about writing to accompany and article about my work. I ended up writing a few quotes about my ideas on the purpose of stories. I discovered one quote was the main reason […]
Awesome Interview With a #BookReviewer #MyCrazyReadingObsession

Today I’m lucky enough to be interviewing an awesome young woman who also happens to be a book reviewer. Angelina, thank you for allowing me to interview you today. 1) Firstly, tell my readers a little about yourself and why you like to review books. My name is Angelina and I run the book blog […]
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