On the weekend I attended OZ Comic-Con. It was the first OZ Comic-Con held in Brisbane. While I’ve attended many conventions over the years it was nice to attend the first Comic-Con in the beautiful city of Brisbane. The other bonus, I had been selected as a volunteer for the event. Everyone knows my belief […]
Why different artists, different lives, different stories are important? #Diversity
January 15, 2013 by Vacen

Are you different from the other members of your family? What about your neighbours in your community? Do you understand your differences and what are the impacts of those differences? The art of being different actually comes naturally for many people, but as we grow we’re pulled into the world where we sacrifice some of […]
Micro Fiction #Writing
December 18, 2011 by Vacen

@ALittleSpecTale on Twitter. Short bites of speculative fiction with supernatural, scifi, fantasy, horror, weird, superhero and apocalyptic themes by Vacen Taylor Micro Fiction by Vacen Taylor Bob was reborn as a grasshopper on the road to glory. Two minutes in, he ended up as green muck on a windshield of a car heading to Florida. […]
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