1. Why do you write? I wrote a small series of quotes last year after I was asked to write a few reflections about writing to accompany and article about my work. I ended up writing a few quotes about my ideas on the purpose of stories. I discovered one quote was the main reason […]
10 Questions a #Blogger Asked Me About Writing. #Author
5 Things To Help with #Focus and Your #Centered Self. #Life #LivingBeyondTheCurve

Life will always throw you a curve ball. That curve ball does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone at any time. The trick is not to become discouraged when it happens. I’m not saying don’t allow yourself to feel upset, confused or whatever emotion you need to feel. It’s important to express your emotions. […]
10 Things I Wish I Knew About Being an Author

Oh, where to begin on this subject! Let’s begin at the beginning. 1. The first draft is just that, a draft. Nothing less and nothing more. How many drafts will be needed? As many as it takes to get the manuscript to a publishing standard. For some writers that may be just a few drafts. […]
How to Avoid the Rejection Blues. #AmWriting #Authors

I wrote this piece for a guest blog, however, I thought it would be beneficial to also share it on my blog today. I do think it’s important that writers understand how to cope with rejection. The mental health of writers is important to me, as is, the mental health and well-being of all the […]
Building #Networks and friendships with Interviews and conversations. #Community

We, the human community, are now living in a transitional world. Models of distribution and creative mediums are changing. Reaching out to one another is a wonderful way to help stay connected to the “here and now” of this changing environment and help our community to grow. Interviews with people and sharing our own ideas […]
Words. #Life and Living.

I’ve just finished writing a series of short stories and each story takes the reader on a journey that passes through the different genres of horror, fantasy or sci-fi. I wanted to write an anthology that explored the subjects of love, loss, curiosity, revenge and there’s even one story that explores greed, corruption and our […]
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