What I have learned about writing #improvement #growth

My first book was published in 2013. That seems a long time ago now but for writing that’s not very long at all. If you add the time before that publication, there were a few blooper manuscripts. If you were to ask me how long I have been writing, I would have to say about […]

Poetry that speaks #poems #poetry

Every individual who writes poetry has their reason for writing and the motivation behind each poem. For some writers, it’s simply a pleasure to craft words into perfect positions. For other writers, there might be ethical or social issues for crafting a poem. Writers might also like the creative aspects of poetry. It might be […]

Another year goes by! 2019 will be great. #GreatBeginnings #PositiveThoughts

I’ve had a challenging but fabulous year! I’m very grateful to have experienced small personal progress artistically with receiving a special commendation from the British Independent Film Festival for my feature film, Grandfathers.   This year I had two more poems published in an art and literature journal. Out of Frame was published in February […]

The Business of Christmas #strategies #compassion #selfhelp

Will this Christmas be a good one? This might depend on what you are expecting, a BMW or a calm family get-together.  I often talk about expectations and motivation behind the quality of what we do in our life. I will remind you again of this. We are the masters of our lives. We get […]

Life works out for us #perception #selfefficacy #selfexploration #selfbelief

Does it? Really? Well, maybe not the way we expect or demand at certain times in our lives.  However, we can look back and say the ‘not so good’ things that happened to us prompted reflection and learning. Perhaps our disappointments encouraged us to reach for a new way to do something, to search for […]

An extreme close-up with uncertainty and unease #Playwright #Screenwriter #Author

When I began writing Crazy Plastic Love two years ago I wanted to explore relationships “the lived in experience”.  Questioning how I could look at the subjects of truth, lies and love closer to expose the characters’ true nature. Life up close and personal, if you like.  I believe I did that by enticing the […]