Fading is a YA romance novel with a paranormal twist. It was a great pleasure to read this book and find a delightful romance with a splash of mystery. The story begins in the junior year of high school, hanging out and daydreaming in Woodvine. Leath Elliott is 17 and facing a new year at […]
Book Review – Fading by Cindy Cipriano #review #readingcommunity #writingcommunity
Another year goes by! 2019 will be great. #GreatBeginnings #PositiveThoughts

I’ve had a challenging but fabulous year! I’m very grateful to have experienced small personal progress artistically with receiving a special commendation from the British Independent Film Festival for my feature film, Grandfathers. This year I had two more poems published in an art and literature journal. Out of Frame was published in February […]
If you really knew me you’d know. #metoo #inspirational #survivor

The #Metoo movement is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault. The movement went viral in late 2017. The hashtag exploded onto the scene on social media. This attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment was an important step forward for both women and men. I found myself in a […]
It’s a sunshiny day. The truth about being grateful. #healthchat

I know a lot of you have been waiting to see how things have been progressing since my DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) breast diagnosis. I allowed myself the privacy to be in the lived experience from diagnosis to final results after surgery without talking about it online. This was my self-care formula and as […]
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