Someone once said to me, “Anyone can tell stories.” And that’s true. I’ve spoken at many schools about each of us being storytellers in some form. When I conduct workshops for children giving them the task of creating a character and then developing a story they always rise to the challenge. I am continuously astounded […]
What is creativity? #WritingWithColour #Children
Werewolves and Maria Lewis. Who’s Afraid? #OnWriting

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Maria Lewis. Maria is an exciting writing talent with her debut novel, Who’s Afraid? being released today! Happy birth book day! 1. I bet you’re excited about the release of your novel, right? Most of my readers will know a little about your background from reading last week’s […]
May I #LeadByExample in 2016

My hopes for 2016. May I lead by example and not simply lead at the front. My daughter and myself volunteering at Schoolies 2015 Our Rosies night outreach team supporting the homeless and vulnerable in the community in 2015. May I forgive the people who have hurt me. But if I choose not […]
The Lonely Craft of #Writing

When writers come together it’s a real celebration. Our greetings start with a gentle hug and a certain respect and allegiance overcomes us. We are finally with our writing family. Gradually an excited chatter begins to fill the space as social jabber and writing experiences are exchanged between us. The loneliness of our secluded office […]
What I Owe The World #OnWriting

The world owes me nothing but I owe the world my best work. #amwriting I’ve spent the last year writing numerous projects. Several short film scripts and a collaborative effort with another author on a feature film script, all of which have been submitted into different festivals. I wrote my first one-act play this year. […]
Why Not Try #Poetry… If You Dare

I have attempted to write poetry for years and years. And I do mean attempted. I’ve failed at many of those attempts. To be truthful I’ve never felt like I really succeeded at writing a great poem. Yet I continue to try. Some have been good, some readable and some deleted in frustration after hours […]
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