My first book was published in 2013. That seems a long time ago now but for writing that’s not very long at all. If you add the time before that publication, there were a few blooper manuscripts. If you were to ask me how long I have been writing, I would have to say about […]
What I have learned about writing #improvement #growth
July 15, 2019 by Vacen
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: #supportingwomen, Australian bloggers, Australian Books, Australian Story, Australian writers, Fantasy, poet, Poetry, Poets, screencraft, screenwriters, script writing, women writers, womencreatives, Writers, writing community, Writing Programs
School Visits #BookWeek 2015 Presenting Workshops
August 25, 2015 by Vacen

This week is “Book Week” in Australia and it’s an important week for Australian authors. It goes without saying that the other weeks in the year are important too. However, it’s this week that really excites authors because we get to visit lots of schools. Yesterday I was lucky enough to visit Silkwood School. Silkwood […]
Filed Under: Blog, Books, Children's Books Tagged With: Australian authors, Australian Books, Australian Story, Australian writers, Book Week, Characters, ChildrensWorkshops, Creating, everyday life, experience, InnovationalThinking, Presenter, storytelling, Workshops, Writers, Writing Programs
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